
Planting Churches Among Portuguese-Speaking Peoples Worldwide


Due to the longstanding work initiated in Brazil by American Christian Church missionaries decades ago, today’s Brazilian Christian Church is independent, vibrant, and growing.  Through the years, Hisportic Christian Mission has maintained ties with the Brazilian Church and has formed partnerships with several churches and mission agencies.  Our closest partnering agencies and their links are listed below.


  • MISSÃO CRISTÃ EVANGÉLICA DO BRASIL – Anápolis, Goiás             


The United States is now the world’s 5th largest mission field.  In addition to the growing unchurched population of Americans, there is also a sizable number of ethnic groups who have little opportunity to hear the Gospel.  Hisportic Christian Mission stepped into this vacuum over 30 years ago and continues to cultivate Brazilian, Portuguese, and Cape Verdean pastors to minister to their own people.  In these years, we have planted over 50 churches and touched 1000’s of lives.  Today there are close to 2,000,000 Portuguese-speaking people in the United States.  HCM currently oversees a network of 9 churches and 16 pastors who serve God in communities with large concentrations of Brazilians, Portuguese, and Cape Verdeans.




  • Home Christian Church – Fort Lauderdal


  • Marietta Christian Church – Marietta



  • Mount Zion Christian Church – Worcester
  • New Covenant Christian Church – Natick
  • Spring of Life Christian Church – Framingham
  • Marlborough Christian Church – Marlborough


  • Moriah Christian Church – Nashua


  • Mount Zion Christian Church – East Providence


  • Missionary Christian Church – Rockville


Home Christian Church

Igreja de Cristo de Casas



Home Christian Church is under the leadership of Pastors Jose Roberto de Padua and Donizete da Silva.  Together, they share the preaching and shepherding responsibilities.  Established in 2019, their church currently meets in a home and hopes to expand to a central location once their numbers grow.

Lead Pastor:               Jose Roberto de Padua

Associate Pastor:       Donizete da Silva



Mount Zion Christian Church

Igreja de Cristo Monte Siao


Mount Zion Christian Church was planted in 1990 by Pastors Eduardo and Dircea Braga.  Today they are joined by their son Ebenezer who ministers by their side.  MZCC has been a partnering church with HCM since its inception.

Mount Zion Christian Church, 333 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA 01609

Lead Pastor:               Eduardo and Dircea Braga

Associate Pastor:       Ebenezer and Claudia Braga



New Covenant Christian Church

Igreja de Cristo Nova Alianca

New Covenant Christian Church was founded in 1998 under Pastor Terezinha Pereira’s leadership.  At the time, Hudson de Oliveira was the Associate Pastor.  He made the transition into the senior position several years later and now is joined by Pastor Arthur Freire as his associate.

New Covenant Christian Church, 7 Strathmore Road, Natick, MA 01760-2418

Lead Pastor:               Hudson and Sandra de Oliveira

Associate Pastor:      Arthur and Anilcea Freire



Spring of Life Christian Church

Igreja de Cristo Manancial da Vida

Pastor Wanderson Batista and his wife Liliane planted this church in 2012.  After being challenged by a member of their church in Brazil to go to the US and reach the hurting Brazilian community in Massachusetts, they left their much larger church in Brazil and answered the call to be missionaries in the United States. 

Spring of Life Christian Church, 57 Park Street Framingham, MA 01702

Pastor:               Wanderson and Liliane Batista



Marlborough Christian Church

Igreja de Cristo de Marlborough


Pastor Mauricio and Sirlei Holanda are fruit of the Christian Church missionary work in Brazil.  Marlborough Christian Church is connected with the missionaries Jerry and Mary Holmquist and have a participatory partnership with Hisportic Christian Mission.

Marlborough Christian Church, 358 Berlin Road, Marlborough, MA 01752

Pastor:               Mauricio and Sirlei Holanda



Moriah Christian Church

Igreja de Cristo Moria


Founded in 1998 by Pastor Ariosvaldo da Silva, Moriah Christian Church had a series of recent transitions and is currently under the leadership of its Associate Minister, Simone Szabo.  The church’s focus on family ministries is making a great impact on the community.

Moriah Christian Church, 4 Townsend West #13, Nashua, NH 03063

Associate Minister:     Simone Szabo



Mount Zion Christian Church

Igreja de Cristo Monte Siao

In 1998, Pastors Johnson Costa and Antonio Ribeiro planted this church in collaboration with the Mount Zion Christian Church under Pastor Braga in Worcester, MA.  They continue to work together in reaching their Portuguese-speaking neighbors both in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. 

Mount Zion Christian Church, 120 Juniper Street, East Providence, RI 02914

Pastor:               Johnson and Lizandra Costa